ENIGMA is a thought-provoking post-modern tale of self-discovery and sexual identity told against the backdrop of improbable super-heroes and villains. Michael Smith lives a meaningless life of routine and boredom. But when Enigma, his favorite childhood comic book hero, inexplicably comes to life, Smith finds himself on an obsessive crusade to uncover the secret behind his improbable existence. Teaming with Enigma's comic creator, Smith encounters an insanity-inducing psychopath, a brain-eating serial killer, and a suicide-inciting clown posse as his quest uncovers hidden truths about both his idol and himself. If you have any questions/concerns, please e-mail me BEFORE you make an offer. Shipping: Please understand that I can only get to the post office on Fridays and Saturdays. If you purchase an item on any other day, the item will likely not ship until the weekend. I do combine shipping if you win multiple auctions, so be sure to check out what else I have listed! Check out my other listings for more great deals! Please feel free to contact me with any questions.